
Friday, February 28, 2014

My first post

Assalamualaikum. This is my first time posting a blog. I might sound awkward. Actually the real reason I creating this blog because I got an assignment to create a blog. I never thought about creating a blog before so I don't really know what should I post. One more unnecessary information for you(reader) I need to write the post in English. I'm not really good in English especially grammar. I hate grammar. If you found any grammar mistake,that will be the proof for my weakness.

I should stop blabbering cause no one want to listen to it anyway -_- Okay. Allow me introduce myself. 

Name: Fatin Hazirah Binti Ayob

Study at Maktab Koperasi Malaysia

Degree In Business Administration with Honours ( Majoring Field ) 
Co-operative Management

Matric Number: 229582