
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth and power. Greed can change an innocent and honest person into a liar or murderer. Because of greed, a country with valuable resources can become the poorest country on earth. Although we were taught since we were a child to not be greedy, but it is impossible to make it come true. A world with no greedy people, can you imagine a world like that? Impossible right? But to some people, greed can also bring good things to the world.

To some people, greed can give us a better progress in life. More and more billionaires has born because of greed. For example, lots of people are saying Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft is a greedy man. As we all know, he is the richest man in the world with $ 40 billion in his account and his money are increasing as time goes by. His creation have help human to save  their time and money, and because of him, thousands of new jobs were created. By persuading people to use his software, Bill Gates has become rich. All business man desire are to gain money but to receive money, they need to give something that their customers wants. Business man give customers the services and the customers give them money for the services. A win-win situation for both parties.

Another example is Cornelius Vanderbilt, a businessman who built a railroads and shipping business. People depicted him as a pure evil. People at that time gave him a nickname, " Robber Baron". But to other businessman, Cornelius Vanderbilt are not a baron. This is because he started his business when he still a penniless. The money he had earned was from his hard work by making traveling faster and cheaper. He also built bigger, faster and more efficient ships. The customers love his services, like serving food and drinks on the ships. The shipping cost was lowered from $8 to $1, allowing more people to sail with his ships.

It's true that greed is not a greet thing we should do but to me, as long the greedy people can give us something in return and that something can improve our life, I don't really mind people to be greedy. 


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