
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth and power. Greed can change an innocent and honest person into a liar or murderer. Because of greed, a country with valuable resources can become the poorest country on earth. Although we were taught since we were a child to not be greedy, but it is impossible to make it come true. A world with no greedy people, can you imagine a world like that? Impossible right? But to some people, greed can also bring good things to the world.

To some people, greed can give us a better progress in life. More and more billionaires has born because of greed. For example, lots of people are saying Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft is a greedy man. As we all know, he is the richest man in the world with $ 40 billion in his account and his money are increasing as time goes by. His creation have help human to save  their time and money, and because of him, thousands of new jobs were created. By persuading people to use his software, Bill Gates has become rich. All business man desire are to gain money but to receive money, they need to give something that their customers wants. Business man give customers the services and the customers give them money for the services. A win-win situation for both parties.

Another example is Cornelius Vanderbilt, a businessman who built a railroads and shipping business. People depicted him as a pure evil. People at that time gave him a nickname, " Robber Baron". But to other businessman, Cornelius Vanderbilt are not a baron. This is because he started his business when he still a penniless. The money he had earned was from his hard work by making traveling faster and cheaper. He also built bigger, faster and more efficient ships. The customers love his services, like serving food and drinks on the ships. The shipping cost was lowered from $8 to $1, allowing more people to sail with his ships.

It's true that greed is not a greet thing we should do but to me, as long the greedy people can give us something in return and that something can improve our life, I don't really mind people to be greedy. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

World Weirdest Food

Here is a list of the weirdest food you can find in certain countries.


The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

Italy- Casu Marzu( rotten cheese)

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat


The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

China- Thousand-Year-Old-Egg

Cambodia- Fried Tarantulas

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

Korea- Sannakji

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

Japan- Ikizukuri

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

Thailand- Insects and Worms

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

The Weirdest and Most Revolting Foods That You Could Actually Eat

Vietnam-Snake Wine

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Human Are Becoming Heartless

The world is becoming more modern day by day...but the creature that we called human being are becoming more heartless...The things they did made me wonder.. Are they even born as a human? How can they did such things? It's like they are not human but a beast.


As you can see in the video, the poor little girl was still alive when people were looking at her without trying to save her. The old woman was the only one who had a heart to help her. When I search for more info about this incident, I found out that the other people who only looked at the poor child were afraid to help/save her. I was told that in China, there was a law. If an accident happen, the victim family can sue the person who was believe was at the scene, even though that person was trying to save the victim. In this case, the old lady who saved her was sued by the child's parents. But after this video was spread worldwide, a campaign was made to help the old lady to win in court. In the end she won the case.


 Child abuse are common. Not only happened in Malaysia but also happened worldwide. I just can't understand why did they abused an innocent child? The child didn't do anything wrong. Just because they are crying doesn't mean an adult can easily hit them without pity. The adult treated them like an animal. If they don't want to take care of them,  DON'T BE A NANNY!!! As easy as pie. Look for another job, like a boxer or a wrestler. Use their skills ( hitting people ) for a good use


People killing other people.Sometimes the person that they killed was actually their own family members. Once I read a man killed his mother only because she didn't gave him her money. The person who brought him to this world, he killed her because of money, his own mother.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Game/Songs/Music Video That Insult Islam

This is a list of games/songs/music video that insult my religion, Islam.

1- Resident Evil 4

I used to love the Resident Evil chronology. I still remembered the first time I watched my brother played this game. I was screaming when the zombies chased my brother character. But I stop loving this series after I found out they insult Islam. In this game, we have to rescue the American President daughter from the evil group called "Los Illuminados" 

" Los Illuminados" symbol

That door look exactly like Omar Bin Khattab Door, Nabawi  Mosque in Madina

This cannot be "just coincident" right?

2- Devil May Cry 3

Another game I used to love when I was small. In this game there is a big door that connect the demon world with the human world

This door look exactly like
Yes. The door look exactly like Kaabah door
You can see the word " Allah" at that door.

3- Clive Barker Undying

In this game, we have to fight the devil/demon. As you continue to play the game there was a scene where you will go to the demons palace..but

Are they trying to say Our Almighty God is the demon?

4-  Zack and Wiki

This game may look cute and adorable. You will never know this game insult Islam if you never play it.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the phrase " Allahu Akbar" several times. Those little lion look like cannibal to me. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?


1- Bruno Mars- It Will Rain

I love Bruno Mars's songs but I definitely hate this song. Look closely at the lyric.

There’s no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor

(The way Muslim pray)

2- Akon- Arab Money

Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim, Al hamdu lillaahi rabill'alamin (Oooohh)
We gettin' arab money (haha), We gettin' arab money
Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim, Al hamdu lillaahi rabiil'alamin (Oooohh)
We gettin' arab money (haha), We gettin' arab money
3- Nicki Minaj- Itty Bitty Piggy

Give that bitch a quarter and car tell her park it
I don't fuck with pigs like assalamualaikum, I put em in a field
I let Oscar Myer bake em.

Music Video

1- Katy Perry- Dark Horse

In this video that was this man who want to win Katy Perry heart by showing her his wealth
This guy in the video, can you see his necklace?

If you watch the video until the end, you will know what happened to him right?

To all Muslim out there, before you love the game/ song/ music video, please search it on the internet if it suitable for you, a Muslim.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cell Phone Safety

This is a true story about a lady who just got rubbed. The thief stole her handbag. She lost her cell phone, card credit, wallet, etc. Few minutes after that she called the husband using the public phone and told him what just happened to her. She was shocked when her husband told her that he received a text message from her number asking her bank account pin number. Without any double, he reply the message by sending the pin number to his " wife". When they went to the bank, they found out all her account money already gone. The thief stole her money in less that 20 minutes.

The moral lesson from this story are:

1-Set a password on your cell phone/ mobile phone. The latest mobile phone will list few kind of screen lock that you can choose. You can choose between face unlock, face and voice, pattern, pin or password. The best option is the password. This option is the strongest security and the hardest for someone to unlock your phone. Choose a unique password that other people would never know about it and the password you choose is easy to remember. Do not use important date as your password like you birthday date or your wedding date. If someone stole your handbag, they will know your ID number by looking at your ID card that we usually keep on our wallet.

2- If a number from your contact list send you a weird message, like " do you remember my pin number?" or something similar, do not immediately reply the text. Call the sender number first and ask them if they are the one who send the message. If you are confirm, you are allow to give them the information.

3- Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list. Do not use name like hubby, baby, daddy or mom because the people in this list are the people who are the closest to you. They might know important information about you like your bank account pin number.

4- If someone text you a message, asking you to meet him/her somewhere unusual, confirm it first. Call the sender and ask them carefully. If you can't reach them, be extra careful if you decide to go to that place. It would be the best decision to bring someone with you. If you are a girl, it would be better to bring a guy with you. If you have to go alone, text the people you are close to, like your parent or your partner. Tell them you are going to that place and the time you are going there. Give them the address. If they can't contact you in the future, they can assume there's something wrong happen to you. It would be easier for them to report it to the police.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Antara Sunnah-sunnah Nabi SAW

Sewaktu melayari internet, saya terjumpa petikan ini. Saya rasa petikan ini bagus untuk dikongsi bersama.
Antara Sunnah-sunnah Nabi SAW sebelum, ketika dan selepas tidur:
1. Membaca Surah As-Sajdah dan Surah Al-Mulk
Dari Jabir bin Abdullah, Beliau berkata:
“Rasulullah tidak akan tidur hingga beliau membaca Surah As-Sajdah dan Surah Al-Mulk”

(HR Ahmad, Tirmidzi, Nasai dan Hakim dalam Sahih al-Jami’ dan Silsilah Ahadis As-Sahihah)
2. Nabi SAW memberi peringatan agar mengkebutkan (membersih atau kibas) tempat tidur sebelum tidur.
Dari Abu Hurairah dia berkata Nabi SAW bersabda :
”Jika seseorang kalian pergi ke katil tidurnya, hendaklah ia mengibas atau membersihkan katilnya dengan bahagian dalam sarungnya, kerana dia tidak mengetahui apa yang ada di sebalik katilnya. Setelah itu ia berdoa ” Dengan nama-Mu, wahai Rabbku, aku letakkan badanku, dan dengan nama-Mu pua aku bangkit kembali, dan Jika Engkau tahan jiwaku, maka rahmatilah ia. Jika engkau biarkan lepas, maka jagalah ia sebagaimana Engkau menjaga jiwa-jiwa hambaMu yang soleh.”
(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari no. 6320, Muslim no. 2714.)
3. Jangan tidur menghadap kaki arah Qiblat. Ini adalah kedudukan tidur orang yang telah mati.
4. Barangsiapa yang membaca Tasbih Fatimah, sekiranya dia mati malam itu, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. Apa itu Tasbih Fatimah? Subhanallah 33 kali, Alhamdulillah 33 kali, Allahuakbar 34 kali.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya, Fatimah meminta kepada nabi s.a.w seorang khadam (pembantu) dan mengadukan bahawa beliau terlalu penat bekerja. Jawab nabi s.a.w :”Engkau tidak akan mendapatkannya daripada kami. Mahukah engkau kutunjukkan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada seorang khadam? Iaitu, tasbih 33 kali, tahmid 33 kali dan takbir 34 kali ketika engkau hendak tidur.” (Muslim)
5. Baca 3 Qul tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu keseluruh badan untuk menghindarkan sihir dan niat jahat manusia.
Kemudian sapu kedua-dua tapak tangan ke seluruh bahagian tubuh yang dapat dicapai, dimulakan dengan kepala, muka, belakang, dan dilakukan sedemikian sebanyak tiga kali. (Mafhum daripada hadis yang direkodkan oleh Bukhari)
6. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud. Tahajjud adalah sebaik-baik pelindung daripada sihir dan buatan orang.
Hadis riwayat Imam al-Nasa’i dalam Sunannya, Kitab Qiyam al-Lail, no: 1763. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
Sesiapa yang (berniat) akan mengerjakan solat malam, lalu tertidur, Allah pasti menulis untuknya pahala solat malam dan tidurnya merupakan sedekah untuknya.
7. Ambil wudhu sebelum tidur dan Solat Sunat Taubat 2 rakaat.
Sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW didalam hadith riwayat Ibnu Hibban:

Barangsiapa yang tidur dalam keadaan suci, tidur pada pakaiannya malaikat. Maka ia tidak bangun (ketika terjaga) kecuali berkata malaikat (berdoa): “Ya Allah berilah keampunan kepada hambaMu sifulan (disebut nama oleh malaikat dalam doanya ini) kerana sesungguhnya ia telah tidur dalam keadaan suci.
8. Membaca do'a tidur. Ramai orang memperlekehkan doa Masnun (doa harian) tapi hakikatnya harga yang Allah swt janjikan adalah syurga.
Berdasarkan hadith riwayat Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah):
Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila masuk tidur Baginda membaca:
بِاسْمِكَ اللَّهُمَّ أَحْيَا وَأَمُوْتُ
(Dengan namaMu Ya Allah aku hidup dan mati)

9. Tidur cara Rasulullah saw dengan mengiring badan ke kanan dan tapak tangan di bawah pipi.
Dan dalam hadith riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah), Ibnu as-Sunni dari Hafshah RA katanya: Sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW apabila hendak tidur, meletakkan tangan kanannya dibawah pipinya kemudian membaca sebanyak tiga kali:
اللَّهُمَّ قِنِى عَذَابَكَ يَوْمَ تَبْعَثُ عِبَادَكَ
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari azabMu pada hari Engkau membangkitkan hamba-hambaMu.
10. Membaca Surah al-Kaa-firun
Sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW didalam hadith riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah), ad-Darimi, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim, Ibnu as-Sunni:
Apabila kamu berbaring ditempat tidurmu maka bacalah “al-Kaa-firun” kemudian tidurlah di atas penyudahnya kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah perlepasan dari syirik.

11. Maafkan semua kesalahan manusia pada kita dan halalkan semua hutang piutang sebelum tidur.
12. Jika mimpi buruk . istiqfar 3x (buat isyarat ludah ke sebelah kiri) dan balikkan bantal.
Jika mimpi yang baik, buat sujud syukur dan solat hajat. Semoga Allah memperkenankan.
13. Menyapu kesan-kesan tidur pada muka dengan tangan 
Imam Nawawi dan Imam Ibn Hajar meriwayatkan, sunat menyapu kesan-kesan tidur yang terlekat pada muka dengan menggunakan tangan apabila bangun daripada tidur. Ini berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah S.A.W.:

Daripada Ibn ‘Abbas RA katanya:
Maksudnya: “Suatu malam dia pernah tidur di rumah Maimunah isteri nabi SAW yang juga merupakan emak saudara beliau, lalu saya berbaring di hujung tempat tidur, dan Rasulullah SAW bersama isteri baginda berbaring di sepanjang tempat tidur, Rasulullah SAW tidur sehingga pertengahan malam atau sebelum atau selepasnya sedikit, baginda bangun, dan duduk sambil menyapu tidur (kesan tidur) dari muka baginda dengan tangan.”
(HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

14. Membaca do'a sesudah bangun dari tidur:
اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِى أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَمَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ
Maksudnya : Segala puji bagi Allah yang menghidupkan aku kembali setelah mematikan aku dan kepada Allah akan bangkit
15. Perkara yang perlu dilakukan sesudah bangun dari tidur.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a : Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Apabila salah seorang dari kalian tidur, maka syaitan mengikat tiga ikatan di atas kepalanya. Setiap ikatan diikat dengan berkata ‘Malam masih panjang, tidurlah’.

(a). Jika ia bangun lalu berzikir kepada Allah, maka lepaslah satu ikatan.
(b). Jika ia berwudhuk, maka lepaslah ikatan yang lainnya dan
(c). Jika ia mengerjakan solat maka lepaslah semua ikatannya (ikatan syaitan itu).

Sehingga pada pagi harinya (apabila bangun dari tidur) ia berjiwa lapang dan bersemangat. Sedangkan jika ia tidak melakukan hal tersebut (bangun malam lalu berzikir, berwudhuk dan solat) maka pada pagi harinya, jiwanya akan buruk dan malas.” [1606]
16. Bersugi.
"Rasulullah SAW, apabila bangun daripada tidur, beliau menggosok giginya menggunakan siwak (kayu sugi)"
(HR Bukhari dan Muslim)

Ini hanya sedikit sahaja amalan-amalan dari Rasulullah saw dan banyak lagi yang terdapat dalam hadis-hadis sahih yang lain. Sekiranya kita tidak mampu buat semua perkara di atas, janganlah pula kita meninggalkan semuanya. Berusahalah buat sekadar yang termampu. InsyaAllah moga-moga Allah mempermudahkan.
Peringatan : Saat Rasulullah SAW melihat seorang sahabatnya yang tidur meniarap, Rasulullah SAW mengejutnya seraya bersabda: “Bangunlah! Ini ialah posisi tidur yang dibenci oleh Allah.” (Sahih Adab Al Mufrad – Karangan Imam Bukhari)
- Secara umumnya ada 4 cara tidur...yang mana satukah pilihan sahabat semua?
1. Tidur Para Nabi
Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi

2. Tidur para Ulama' dan ahli Ibadah
Mengiring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga bagi solat malam

3. Tidur para raja yang haloba
Mengiring ke sebelah kiri untuk dicernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan

4. Tidur Syaitan
Menelungkup/meniarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka

p/s: Insyaallah moga-moga kita istiqamah.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe

I always baked this cake for my mother during my semester break. All my family and friends love it. Hope you try it~~~ The preparation time is around 20 minutes and it took one hour to bake the cake.

2 cups of flour (you can use any type of flour)

2 cups of sugar ( I use 1 and a half cups to reduce the sweetness)

3/4 cocoa powder ( any kind of brand is fine)

2 teaspoons of baking soda

1 teaspoon of baking powder

2 eggs ( large eggs )

A pinch of salt
( Don't put too many salt. Your cake will turn the cake I baked for the first time -_-)

1 cup of vegetable oil ( I use Mazola brand)

1 and a half teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 cup of boiling water/ coffee (choose only one)

(If you notice, we don't use margarine in this recipe)
How to bake this delicious cake? It's really simple. But before that:-

1- Pre-heat the oven to 150 celsius. Grease the baking dish with flour and only a little amount of margarine.

Okay!! We can start making the cake

1- Combine all the ingredients (except the boiling water) into the bowl.

2- Mix it well. Mix it in medium speed

3- After 1 minute of mixing, you can start pouring the 1 cup of boiling water little by little while you continue to mix until the ingredients are blended together and have become smooth

4- Pour the mixing ingredients into the baking dish

5- Bake it around 50 minutes to 1 hour depend on the size of the baking dish.

6- Keep on looking at the cake to make sure you didn't overbake it. Stink a knife or a toothpick at the center of the cake. If you see it still clean, it mean your cake is done.

7- Let it cool for 1 hour. Do not cut the cake when the cake is still hot. 

Enjoy baking!!!